The cryptocurrency application Bitcoin, proposed back in 2009, availed the potential of Blockchain (BC) as a promising technology for hundreds of foundational applications, including Smart Systems, IoT, e-Health, supply chain, and digital identity. One of the solid properties of BC is its high security guarantees in classical fully distributed systems, which can be challenged by Machine Learning (ML) solutions. However, the recent advances in the field of Quantum Computing (QC), derived basically from the concepts of quantum mechanics revealed several security risks on BC-based solutions. Many proposals attempted to address these risks by improving BC methods, including infrastructure, data structure, cryptography, networking, etc. targeting the so-called post-quantum blockchains. On the other hand, QC and ML can also be used for the optimization of BC methods and configurations, leading to quantum and smart blockchain principles that can see the light once quantum computers are commercialized. Papers submitted to this special session are expected to study and investigate BC-based infrastructure management, services and applications. We also aim at focusing on special ML and QC aspects and potential for strengthening, attacking, and protecting BC-based solutions.
Special session topics
- Blockchain-based infrastructure management, services and applications
- ML for advanced blockchains, quantum computing, or both, including integrated QML algorithms for smart blockchains and AI-enabled post-quantum blockchains
- Quantum and ML methods (e.g. Formal methods, Software, Hardware, Evolutionary algorithms, etc.) for optimizing blockchains in terms of energy efficiency, latency, (cyber)security, privacy, etc.
- Quantum and ML algorithms for attacking layered blockchain systems/applications (e.g. Infrastructure, Data structure, Smart Contracts, APIs, etc.)
- Blockchain applicable quantum methods, for approaching post-quantum blockchains including cryptography, networking, hardware-based mechanisms, etc.
- Testing methods and algorithms for blockchains under the assumption of quantum/ML enabled attackers.
- Advancements of ML mechanisms for developing robust post-quantum blockchains.
- Integration approaches of ML-BC, QC-BC, and ML-QC-BC systems.
- Any other relevant topic that targets Blockchain optimization and/or security.
Important dates
EXTENDED full paper submission: December 23, 2024, 23:59 AOE
Author notification: January 13, 2025
Camera ready full papers: January 27, 2025
Session Chairs
Attila Kertesz, University of Szeged, Hungary
Hamza Baniata, University of Szeged, Hungary