This Special Session provides a forum for scientists to present their latest research findings in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing towards the new era of Exascale HPC systems and Big Data management. It will focus on HPC simulations in astrophysics, astroparticle physics, and cosmology, as well as advanced methods for data analysis in these fields.

Aim of the Special Session is to address the proposed new solutions in HPC and Big Data processing and analysis for problems of interest in the following research areas:

  1.  HPC simulations in astrophysics, astroparticle physics and cosmology
  2. Astrophysical plasma and jets
  3. Formation and evolution of galaxies
  4. Clusters of galaxies and large-scale cosmic structures
  5. Space Physics (Earth, Solar and Planetary)
  6. Particle Transport in Space

  7. Advanced methods for data analysis in astrophysics, astroparticle physics and cosmology
  8. Time-domain astrophysics
  9. Interferometric data and radio astronomy
  10. High-energy astrophysics
  11. Large cosmological surveys and cosmic microwave background
  12. Multi-messenger astrophysics
  13. Events reconstruction in space detectors

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest for the proposed talks and papers will include, without being limited to the following key aspects:

  • Algorithms: Parallel and Distributed Algorithms, Numerical Methods, Algorithmic Innovation for Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning, Post-Moore parallel algorithms.
  • Applications: Parallel and Distributed Applications, Scalable Data Analytics & Applied Machine Learning
  • Multidisciplinary: Innovation by combining multiple disciplines, Converged HPC Cloud Edge computing, Complex Workflows, Methodologies for Performance Portability and/or Productivity across Architectures.
  • Performance: Performance Modeling of Parallel or Distributed Computing, Performance Evaluation of Parallel or Distributed Systems; Scalability, Measurement-Based Evaluation.
  • Software: Design, implementation and validation of interoperable services; Implementation and interoperability of new data services
  • New Technologies for the future: Quantum Computing algorithms for astrophysics

Important Deadlines

Paper abstracts: November 10th, 2024, 23:59 AOE

Full paper or complete draft submission: December 6th, 2024, 23:59 AOE

Author notification: January 10th, 2025

Camera ready full papers (all tracks): January 27th, 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be in PDF format and should not exceed 8 pages for long papers and 4 pages for short contributions (including references). All submissions must be made electronically through the conference submission portal ( check here for the paper template) and will be reviewed by a specific committee.

  • Regular papers (maximum 8 pages) should present innovative works whose claims are supported by solid justifications.
  • Short papers (maximum 4 pages) should target position papers that articulate a high-level vision or describe challenging future directions.

The review process is double-blind and all papers need to be “best-effort” anonymized. We strongly encourage making code and data available anonymously (e.g., in an anonymous GitHub repository via Anonymous GitHub or in a Dropbox folder).

Submissions will be evaluated by at least three reviewers based on relevance, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity. All accepted papers will be included in the same proceedings volume published by Conference Publishing Services. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference and present in person their paper at the conference venue in Turin.

Submissions should be made through the CMT system.


Contact information of the workshop chairs, and their competence in the proposed topic(s):

  • Ugo Becciani (INAF): Spoke 3 Leader Italian National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing. Expertise on HPC solution for very large sparse dataset (ESA Gaia Mission), Scientific Visualization.
  • Gloria Guilluy (INAF): Expert in characterising exoplanetary atmospheres at high spectral resolution.
  • Pasquale Lubrano (INFN): Spoke 3 coLeader Italian National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing. Expertise in large experiments BIG Data, Data Analysis.
  • Mario Spera (Sissa): HPC for gravitational-wave astrophysics.
  • Alessio Suriano (UniTo): working on numerical methods for astrophysics. Expertise in scalable parallel algorithms for GPU HPC clusters

Program Committee Members

Ugo Becciani

Stefano Borgani

Anna Maria Di Giorgio

Andrea Ferrara

Claudio Gheller

Gloria Guilluy

Pasquale Lubrano

Pasquale Mazzotta

Andrea Mignone

Maria Letizia Pumo

Mario Spera

Alessio Suriano

Giuliano Taffoni

Matteo Viel



Supported by the SPACE CoE project