Paola Grosso

Paola Grosso (Member, IEEE and ACM) is a Full Professor at the University of Amsterdam with a chair on “Multiscale networks”. She is part of the Multiscale Networked Systems research group and director of the Informatics Institute. Her research focuses on the creation of sustainable and secure computing infrastructures, which rely on the provisioning and design of programmable networks. Current interests cover developments of control planes for quantum networks, in band telemetry and use of FPGA for enhanced network monitoring. She has an extensive list of publications on these topics and currently contributes to several national and international projects such as the EU-funded projects DESIRE6G, SLICES-RI, as well as international initiatives like FABRIC.

Raffaele Montella

Raffaele Montella is an Associate Professor with tenure in Computer Science at the Department of Science and Technologies (DiST), University of Naples “Parthenope’” (UNP), Italy. He got his degree (MSc equivalent) cum laude and an award mention to his study career in (Marine) Environmental Science at the University of Naples “Parthenope” in 1998, defending a thesis about the “Development of a GIS system for marine applications”. He defended his Ph.D. thesis on “Environmental modeling and Grid Computing techniques” earning a Ph.D. in Marine Science and Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II”. His main research topics and scientific production are focused on: tools for high-performance computing, cloud computing, and GPUs with applications in the field of computational environmental science (multi-dimensional geo-referenced big data, distributed computing for modeling, and scientific workflows and science gateways) leveraging on his previous (and still ongoing) experiences in embedded, mobile, wearable, pervasive computing, and Internet of Things. Since 2021 he has been head of the UNP node CINI Lab/Working Group “HPC: Key Technologies and Tools”. Since 2022 he has been the head of the AWS Academy at the University of Naples “Parthenope”. In February 2023, he gained the Italian National Academic Qualifications as Full Professor in Computer Science (01/B1).

Rosa Filgueira

Rosa Filgueira is a Chancellor’s Fellow in AI & Data Science at EPCC, University of Edinburgh, specializing in intelligent adaptive systems, semantic software analysis, and text-based data insights. Her research focuses on empowering non-experts to use complex computational tools effortlessly, enhancing software understandability through AI techniques, and advancing innovative parallel frameworks for scalable, efficient, and reproducible stream-based applications. She has collaborated across diverse domains, including seismology, social sciences, and digital humanities, applying cutting-edge NLP, machine learning, and parallel computing techniques. Rosa has significantly contributed to major projects such as the development of the dispel4py and Laminar frameworks and the Frances Semantic-Web platform for historical data mining. She has chaired several conferences and workshops, including IEEE eScience conference 2023 and WORKS workshops from 2020 to 2022, and served as the Track Chair of the Data Analytics, Visualization, and Storage track at SC24. She is also a UK Young Academy Fellow, an SSI Fellow, a member of the IEEE eScience Steering Committee, an Associate Editor for the Royal Society Open Science journal, and a GAIL Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. Rosa actively works on interdisciplinary research at the intersection of AI, HPC, and semantic technologies.

Sanzio Bassini

Director of Supercomputing, Application and Innovation Department of CINECA, Italian Interuniversity Consortium. Over the years he has been Vice Chairman of the European Technology Platform for HPC AISBL 2012 – 2014 and Council Chairman of PRACE – Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe in the period 2014 – 2017. After participating in the international working group for the establishment of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, he is the leader of the Italian Pre-Exascale Leonardo Project. Since last march 2021, he cover the role of Technical-Scientific Director of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development International Foundation. In September 2022 he is been nominated the leader of the spoke digital infrastructure of the national Foundation for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing. He is actually Chairman of the Big Data Association and leader of the It4lia project, Italy for Artificial intelligence, the project for the implementation of the national AI factory.